Friday, June 24, 2011

Musings from the Queen

I was asked why I did not have a blog and the only reason I could give was that no one would like to read my musings.  Yet, my musings are often works of art when I am left to my own devices.  So here is the start of my musings. 

Why would a 46 yr old want to troll around the net playing FB games and the such?  Well intrigue comes to mind but I am more simple than that.  I like to connect with people.  I find playing online games a way to connect.  Granted, one cannot connect in any real and meaningful way unless there is communication beyond the game and on cam at times.  No get your mind out of the gutter - Cams can be used for more than cyber-sex.  So tomorrow's post will dissect some of my favorite online games the pros and cons. 

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