Friday, July 8, 2011

Musings from the Queen

So the day goes on.  Mom did Radiation today and I am wondering how it all went.  But will not ask because, well she is a private person and if she needs me she will call or email.  I hate this part of my life, the part where I need to be strong and act like an adult.  I want to curl into a ball and sleep for days.  Since I do need to earn money and help her I cannot do that.  So it will be in the shower that I cry and unload my feelings. 

Now to my musing.... okay first and foremost I know where the person works so it is not like they are making minimum wage or anything. But really we have nice hot humid days here and they are driving their Jeep into work.  Rain is predicted.  WHY on God's green earth would you drive that broke ass Jeep in if you do not know where the cover is, or had the time to put it on.  No you have to drive into the parking lot and cover the broke ass thing with a HUGE tarp.  Really? you had time for that but not time for the actual cover.  If you lost the cover or it just broke man the hell up and buy a new one.  Cheap dork!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Musings from the Queen

It would seem my life cannot be complete without one man here and there telling me he likes me but that his life is hard, or difficult.  Wow you mean you can't go through life like me, without any speed bumps?  As if my life has no problems.  Oh no I have problems just like anyone else but it would seem I open my arms wide and say.......... come on in break my heart, lie to me, try to see how far you get screwing me before I lose my mind.  I have to got to be Zen or something because I smile and think "Oh sure - I don't mind you putting me on the shelf.  Coming in everyone in a while to dust me off".  Who does this... ? Oh yeah me, that is who.  The girl who is patient and kind.  The one who is short (4 foot 10 and half inches) but has wide enough shoulders to hold you up when you are too weak to do it yourself or life has just jumped on you but still I am here.  Still Smiling and still thinking I can help the world.

I am ready to deal with the problems you bring and my own, why?  Because I am stupid that way.   mmmmm this soap box is done...

Oh moving on to the next irritation..... Okay so I live in the friggin' smallest state in the US and it has like 4 bridges 2 of which have tolls.  SO why on Effing earth do you drive that broken down piece of crap up to the toll booth (there was a sign oh 2-3 miles back stating there is a 4.00 toll) and get change together while at the toll booth...... god knows I wanted to sit behind you while your girlfriend counted out the change.  CHANGE are you serious cause that is what that poor attendant wanted to do for the day........ count your change Douchebag!!  Next time might I suggest you 1) pull over and get the change out, better yet DOLLAR bills and then get into traffic.  2) It is not like the state all of a sudden changed tolls or toll bridges get the effing money out before you start that piece of crap and the rest of us will not be wasting our precious fuel waiting for the girlfriend to count  the amount out, digging in her purse.  Man up already!!

Another irritation of the day really you need to speak to, can you stop lecturing everyone and his or her brother about falling in love on the internet? I mean if we have seen it once from you we have seen it like a billion times.  I guess someone screwed you bad because the rest of us taking up for the poor man or woman posting their tale or love, lust or woe you got to come in and step on everything.  Your opinion must be the only one and the one right one since it is yours.  Really? NOTTTTT.... To quote you "Step away from the computer, get some air, talk to real human beings, learn to be effing social already" because you are a real pain in the ass if you need the truth of it!!

Done for the night, the car is home (too much money out of my pocket and into the dealerships) and the irritations of the day are still upsetting me. 

Until the next time in the Kingdom of Queen See ya *mwah*

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Games of the Nights - Complaints from the Queen

I play online games, Most of them are played with other people, some of which I know and others I do not.  The ones I do not know I get to know - well unless their attitude upon seeing their profile and "about me" pushes me away. There are three games. VIPSociety, Arena and Humanpets.  All of these games are games that you have "ownership" of another person for a length of time.   These games are played differently but they all have things in common.  One of the most prevalent things you will find is DRAMA.  The dreaded "D" word.  Men and women all over the world seem to share in the spreading and causing of drama.  Men spread drama in their own way  - usually by pitting women (usually women who are of lower esteem it would seem) against each other.  Women also have their own special brand of drama.  Those that practice drama in its finer nuances usually create a fake profile or two so that the "real" person does not get banned and on the side they get points from said fakes. The fake profile then harasses the target.  It is a sad sad attempt to make themselves look good in the man’s eyes.
Also a favored of drama queens is to claim a man as "theirs" with or without any contribution of the male.  In that scenario their "cyber love cannot be denied"  LMAO!!!  Sometimes the male in this pairing will also believe in their "love".  Sadly it would seem that both men and women in these games believe the most sexy of the opposite sex truly loves them and thus a “relationship” is developed.  

I have one game that I play on FB that has a “friends and support group” page, This page really does nothing but allow people to publicly whine and bitch about others in the game or lack of support or “pick your favorite topic” they whine about it.
There are young ladies in there whining about fakes… you know the girls who have borrowed their profile photo from the modeling sites.  The men who are sporting abs some 16 yr old actually owns.  LOL and they all portend this is really them.  The most funny of these statements is 1) it usually comes from someone who is sporting said fake photo, 2) The beauteous woman whining is “losing” support from others because her personality does not match her face and so the support goes to  another beautiful face hoping for a better outcome. 3) The man who is whining has just lost his favorite fantasy of loving and marrying the woman of his dreams.  Oh yes this woman is the one all the men are fawning over but he has proved his manliness but “getting” her. Riighttt.

Now the flip side of this is men coming on to this page will whine about “fake profile photos”  and telling the women to just be themselves.  This is a double edge sword as these lovely, hypocritical men will only support women who are eye candy.  LOL cause all these lovely women are REAL…. Hahaha got to love the fantasy that goes with that.  

It really is funny that men and women will whine and moan about having been lied to in the games. They were in love with the man or woman who was drop dead gorgeous (cause they all play online games and do not have GF or BFs or a real life to live) and then they found out the truth.  He or she was not what they said they were.  REALLY?  And this is a surprise how?  You fell into love with this person all over the net and you are surprised they are not real – well one they are real, just not exactly who you wanted them to be.  They are still the person you talked to just NOT sporting that 36, 26, 36 body, or the arm candy you think you deserve.  Oh and you males are sporting a six pack….. NOT you are wearing it in your gut. 

Finally in this page you get the players that “beg for support” because they are broke.  Really, because you can Doodle every 30 mins and get points.  You are not THAT broke.  I never am and I have been playing a long time.  I have less points than others who have been there as long as I have been.  I just play with less trading on points and having to wait for others to give them back.  Also I really have a hard time putting any stock into fake credits/tokens/points.  It is a game, for god’s sake and therefore don’t take it so seriously.
This is one of the games I play.  I will comment more on them all and explain how to play and what it addicting if it can be called that.  I just like a little fantasy in my games. 

Farewell from the Land of Queen and the games of ownership…

Friday, June 24, 2011

Musings from the Queen

I was asked why I did not have a blog and the only reason I could give was that no one would like to read my musings.  Yet, my musings are often works of art when I am left to my own devices.  So here is the start of my musings. 

Why would a 46 yr old want to troll around the net playing FB games and the such?  Well intrigue comes to mind but I am more simple than that.  I like to connect with people.  I find playing online games a way to connect.  Granted, one cannot connect in any real and meaningful way unless there is communication beyond the game and on cam at times.  No get your mind out of the gutter - Cams can be used for more than cyber-sex.  So tomorrow's post will dissect some of my favorite online games the pros and cons.